1150 West Woodmen Road, Colorado Springs, CO 80919 719-522-9666 voicemail/fax www.wvfpd.org website
!!! For All Emergencies, Call 9-1-1 First !!!
WELCOME TO WVFPD.ORGJoin our Email List!Join our email list to get critical updates and help reduce our postal expense. Go to our SIGNUP PAGE now to get on our list. Introducing WVFPDWoodmen Valley Fire Protection District (WVFPD) is a Special Tax District in El Paso County, Colorado, chartered with providing fire protection for approximately 315 homes in the Woodmen Valley, Pine Creek and Thunderbird Estates neighborhoods just north of the City of Colorado Springs, west of I25, and south of the United States Air Force Academy. WVFPD started nearly 50 years ago as the Woodmen Valley Volunteer Fire Department. In 2000, it was incorporated as a special tax district to acquire additional trucks and equipment. Difficulty in recruiting and retaining volunteers, as well as rising expenses, forced WVFPD's Board of Directors to consider a new strategy in 2008. Starting January 1, 2009, all fire and medical services for the District's covered areas are now provided by Colorado Springs Fire Department. The District maintains its Board of Directors, as well as its chief, to oversee CSFD Performance and to handle financial matters. All members of of WVFPD are volunteer and receive no compensation for their efforts. For more information on the development of the District, see the WVFPD History page of this website. Public PostingsPer Colorado House Bill 19-807, this website will be the primary posting site for all WVFPD regular and special Board Meeting date announcements, cancellations, and changes. This information may also be posted in the public posting places described in the Financial Data page of this website, but it is not required. Per Senate Bill 09-87 (C.R.S. Article 1, Title 32), this website is considered a Public Posting location for WVFPD. For a list of the other Public Posting locations, refer to the Financial Data page of this website. Senate Bill 09-087Per Senate Bill 09-087, Woodmen Valley Fire Protection District must post Part I (Title 32, article 1) data. This data, as well as current and proposed budget data is available on the Financial Data page of this website. WVFPD's Special District Transparency Information is also viewable at the Special District Association's website by visiting www.sdaca.org. Select the Transparency Notice page in the top of the page, then select "Search Public Transparency Notices". Select 'W' and page forward to "Woodmen Valley Fire Protection District". Announcements2023 CSFD Fire Mitigation Matching Funds. Colorado Springs Fire Department has a grant from the El Pomar foundation that will match up to $500 in 2023 if you hire a qualified tree company to mitigate the first 30' outside of your house. To participate, review the Stipend Guidelines, select one of their Qualified Tree Contractors, and contact Bailey Horton of CSFD at 719-385-7348 or bailey.horton@coloradosprings.gov to set up a an onsite job review with the contractor and CSFD. Sorry, no credit for work done in the past or done without prior approval. 2023 Colorado Fire Mitigation Tax Subtraction. Did you know you can subtract up to $2500 from your Colorado State income taxes for fire mitigation expenses in 2023? Colorado is offering a 50% tax subtraction for actual out-of-pocket mitigation expenses like licensed contractors, hauling fees, and new chainsaws by filling out Form Income 65 and submitting it with your 2023 taxes. The form is available at https://www.coswildfireready.org/mitigation-tax-credit. WVFPD cannot provide tax advice, so be sure to review the full form before submitting. May 2, 2023 Board of Directors Election. WVFPD held a public election on May 2, 2023 for three directors on the District's Board of Directors. The current Board may be found on the Management page of this website. 2023 Adopted Budget Posted: The WVFPD Treasurer presented a proposed 2023 budget at a Public Hearing held on December 5, 2023 at 7:00pm. This budget was discussed and then adopted as presented by the WVFPD Board of Directors at their regularly scheduled Board Meeting also held on on December 6, 2021, immediately after the Public Hearing. This 2023 Adopted Budget and prior year budgets, 2023 Boundaries and current Service Plan are available on the Financial Data page of this website. 2023 WVFPD BOD Meetings: The WVFPD Board of Directors will meet on the following dates in 2023. All meetings are public and will be held at the WVFPD Fire Station located at 1150 W Woodmen Road, Colorado Springs, CO 80919. The meetings start at 7:00 pm. Residents of the District are encouraged to attend. One or more of these meetings may be held virtually via teleconference and/or web conference if COVID-19 restrictions continue to inhibit in-person meetings. Please check www.wvfpd.org for updates before any meeting.
USAFA Well Testing Update: The local branch of Public Employees for Environmental Responsibility (PEER) has released additional data from the USAFA test results. Their overview letter along with those results are available on the Well and Aquifer Issues page of this website. As a reminder, the USAFA tested 43 wells across our neighborhoods and 40 of the did not show any contamination. Three has less than 20 parts per trillion, which is much lower than the EPA limit of 70 parts per trillion. The USAFA will continue to test, but at this point, it appears this is NOT an issue for our neighborhoods. The press release from the Academy is available here. Please refer to the Well and Aquifer Issues page of this website for additional information. 06/13/13 Fire on Westwood Road
Please! Control potential fire sources like cigarette butts, charcoal fires and chimenea stoves. And absolutely NO open burning or fireworks! These items may be convenient or fun, but they are not worth losing everything we own. If a fire does start please remember: 1. Call 9-1-1 First! The fire may look small, but it
can, and will, grow much faster than you think.
Wildfire MitigationIn light of the Waldo Canyon Fire, we should all be thinking about Fire Mitigation. CSFD offers onsite evaluations and advice to help you protect your property if wildfire should hit our area. To learn more about fire mitigation visit the CSFD Fire Mitigation Webpage or to schedule an onsite consultation call 719-385-7342. Contact InformationElectronic mail |